The International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) is an international organisation with 18 member states, including Serbia, and more than 300 employees. ICMPD is active in more than 90 countries around the world and uses a regional approach in its work to initiate effective cooperation and partnerships on migration routes. Vienna-based organisation has a mission in Brussels, regional offices in Malta and Turkey, and project offices in more than 15 countries, including Serbia. ICMPD work is based on three core matters:

  • Dialogues that encourage cooperation between states, as part of the current discussion on international migration;
  • Capacity building, which contributes to a good migration management and strengthens national and regional opportunities to meet ongoing challenges in the area of migration;
  • Research that facilitates synergy inside and outside the community by answering questions relevant to improving migration policy.

For more information about ICMPD, visit www.icmpd.org.

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