Video of the panel “Ways forward for Grant Schemes in Harnessing Diaspora Potential” held on the second day of the Annual Conference under the Link Up! Serbia II project.
Ms. Nataša Ćirović, Project Coordinator at the Science and Technology Park Belgrade, Ms. Natalija Ginić, Coordinator of the “Science without Borders” platform at the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Mr. Đurađ Budimir, Professor at the Westminster University, Ms. Marija Šola-Spasić, Project Coordinator at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade and Ms. Milica Todorović, PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade discussed the limitations of existing business and scientific grant support schemes and the possibilities of overcoming the limits and improving the existing grants. The panel was moderated by Ms. Danica Šantić, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Geography in Belgrade.