Link Up! Serbia II organized a meeting in Switzerland “: “New mechanisms of cooperation with the economy and partners from Serbia”



On October 30, 2021, the event “New mechanisms of cooperation with the economy and partners from Serbia” took place. The event presented new types of cooperation with the Serbian business diaspora in Switzerland interested in investing or finding a business partners in Serbia. During the meeting, the participants discussed new opportunities that the project offers to the diaspora, as well as the preparation of a new type of business conference in Switzerland in 2022. The event provided an opportunity to present the challenges faced by investors and companies from the diaspora on the markets of Serbia and Republika Srpska.

The participants at the meeting were Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Switzerland H.E. Mr. Goran Bradić, Ambassador of BiH in Switzerland H.E. Boro Bronza, entrepreneurs in Switzerland interested in investing or starting a business in Serbia, as well as mentoring Serbian companies through a long-term partnership with the Swiss market, representative of the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Republic of Serbia Mr. Vladimir Koturović, President of the Association of Serb entrepreneurs in Switzerland Mr. Stojan Stevanović, Link Up! Serbia II Project Manager and representative of ICMPD Mr. Marko Pavlović, Director for Regional Development in the Development Agency of Serbia Mr. Slobodan Petrovic, Head of the Center for Investment Support and PPP of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia Mr. Djordje Andric, Mr. Misa Ciric, expert on the project “Link Up! Serbia II “, as well as Mr. Goran Račić, representative of the Regional Chamber of Commerce of Banja Luka.

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